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and now for something completely different.

the Haven Collective emerged from traditional church, but what you think of as ‘church’ doesn’t begin to describe us. we look more like a network of friends who come together to ask better questions, explore faith together and work for the common good. we call it the ‘sacred conversation. think you’ll like it here.

10 Commitments for Sacred Conversations

  1. the Vegas Rule
  2.  Share Time
  3. Hold Space
  4. Don’t Be a One-Upper
  5. Attention is a Switch (not a Dimmer)
  6. Loop It!
  7.  One Conversation at a Time
  8. Keep the GEM Statement Center
  9. Find the Disagreement UNDER the Disagreement
  10. Conversation > Consensus

Want to know more? Join one of our Beacon gatherings or download our Guide to a Sacred Conversation.


Friendship is the heart of Jesus' good news. We create spaces where it's safe enough to risk real relationships.

Collective Liberation

No one is free until we're all free. We prioritize the most vulnerable - just like Jesus. That's the only way we can really be for everyone! Feminist. Anti-racist. LGBTQ+ affirming.


Haven is a place of audacious hope. We believe the world can get better. We believe our relationships can get better. We believe we can get better. The long arc of the universe bends toward justice. And we're not afraid to hang from it and pull harder!


God is bigger than all of our boxes. So we don't lead with certainty - we cultivate a posture of curiosity toward God, toward each other and toward our world. 

Haven Vocabulary

You’re going to hear these a lot around here. Here’s what they mean.


Beacons are the heart of the Haven Collective. These small gatherings meet weekly to join in sacred conversation, service, celebration and mourning together. 

Monthly Kick-off

Each month, all the Beacons join together as a larger Collective. We sing together, share stories of what the Spirit is doing in our Beacons and introduce the theme for the next month. It’s a party – and we love parties!

Sacred Conversation

There’s nothing we need more than being seen and heard. We commit to learning to hear and see each other well by practicing the sacred conversation every time we gather!

Beacon Bits

Beacon Bites are short teachings, art and questions that prepare you for the week’s sacred conversation. You can find them in the Weekly Invite or on our YouTube channel.

Weekly Invite

Before you come to a Beacon, grab a Weekly Invite. You can find the Beacon Bit and the prep questions so you show up ready to participate! (And hey, why not bring a friend?)


The Guide is the host of each Beacon gathering. Their job is to maintain the integrity of the sacred conversation by attending to the flow and gently ensuring we all honor our 10 commitments.

We are Haven: the People who call haven home!

What makes the Haven Collective is the people who gather each week, who take the call to deeper friendship seriously, and who earnestly want to make our world a better place. Hear from them in their own words. (coming soon – excuse the placeholders!)

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