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The Weekly Invite

The Haven Collective isn’t like a typical church – we create spaces where it’s safe to risk growing. That can only happen when we all participate. The Weekly Invite is your place to prepare for our next gathering. You’ll find our theme for the month, some questions to meditate on this week, a brief teaching or interview, maybe even a piece of art.

You’re welcome to join us – and we want you to get the most out of your experience. So take a look below, and we’ll see you soon!

July Theme: Eye of the Beholder

When is the last time you really saw another person? A time you can say you saw the divine spark in your partner, a good friend, that coworker or a stranger you encountered in the world? Jesus asks us to see another person, to take time to behold the image of God in them. In an increasingly disconnected and fragmented world, beholding each other has the potential to heal us. But beholding another person doesn't just happen. So how do we learn to do it?

The Prep

You matter at Haven. To get the most from this week's gathering, spend some time before you come with these questions:


Before you join us this week, be sure to watch the most recent Beacon Bit (it's the first one listed). We'll be discussing it as we gather!

  1. How easy do you find it to cultivate deep relationships?
  2. What are some reasons our culture finds relational intimacy so awkward?

Find a Beacon

Beacons are what we call our gatherings. They're groups of no more than twenty people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. Our Beacons gather weekly to share, celebrate, discuss and more. If there's a Beacon near you, you're welcome to drop in. And if not, you'll find friends at one of our virtual Beacons! So click the button to find a Beacon and get started with your Haven Collective experience!