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What Keeps Us Stuck - (un)Stuck week two

For Sunday April 7, 2024 | What makes you feel fear? Fear is a core emotion, an evolutionary response hard-wired into our brains. Fear makes us close down, get small and hide. Jesus' encounter with fearful disciples - huddled in terror of discovery following Jesus' arrest and execution - illustrates how the good news of resurrection frees us from fear by recreating us. So how can we choose to live boldly?

The Beacon Bit

Before you join a Beacon this Sunday, take a few minutes to watch this short teaching. It’ll shape our conversation, and we need your perspective!

The Prep Questions

Here are the questions we’ll start out with. Take some time to consider them before you come:

  1. Where do you see fear shaping behaviors in our culture?
  2. Has there been a time you’ve refrained from a course of action because of fear?