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Easter - (un)Stuck

For Sunday March 31, 2024 | Welcome to the launch of the Haven Collective! What better day to begin something new than Easter? As we gather from around the world to celebrate Jesus' resurrection, we face a tough reality: many of us feel stuck. Maybe it's a relationship past its expiration date, a dead-end job or something less tangible - just a general sense that life isn't what we thought it would be. This month at Haven, we're noticing that Jesus' resurrection changed everything for his followers - but not because he changed the world. It's because he changed them, and then they went on to do amazing things. What happens when we tap into that same power?

Before you join us on Sunday, spend some time meditating on these questions:

  1.  When have you felt stuck? What contributed to that sense in your life?
  2. As you consider the future right now, do you feel hopeful? Why or why not?