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This Sunday is Pentecost, the birthday of the Church and the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit making us new. Pentecost isn't about individual transformation - it's about God's plan to rescue the whole world! In that spirit, we have a conversation with Andre Henry - a musician and activist who takes changing the world very seriously. We explore why social change isn't optional for the people of God and why it probably looks a lot different than you think.

the Beacon Bit

Before you join a Beacon this Sunday, take a few minutes to watch this short teaching. It’ll shape our conversation, and we need your perspective!

This week’s Beacon Bit engages Ezekiel 37:1-14. Click here to read it before you watch. This week, we feature an interview with singer-songwriter and author Andre Henry. You can listen to several of Andre’s songs in the playlist below as well. Finally, be sure to watch Andre’s full interview here.

The Prep Questions

Use these questions to journal, meditate or discuss before you join us on Sunday!

1. Do you think of yourself as an activist? Explain.
2. How would you describe your core self?