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The Key to Real Transformation

For Sunday, May 12

This week, we're reflecting on Psalm 1. This first song in the Hebrew songbook establishes two different kinds of people - those who are rooted and those who are unstable. The difference is a deep connection to God. What does that mean, practically speaking? What spiritual practices can help us be deeply rooted and grounded? We get some help from everyone's favorite original stunt show.

The Beacon Bit

Before you join a Beacon this Sunday, take a few minutes to watch this short teaching. It’ll shape our conversation, and we need your perspective!

This week’s Beacon Bit engages Psalm 1. Click here to read it before you watch!

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The Prep Questions

Before you come, meditate, journal or discuss these questions:

1. Do you feel more like a tree with deep roots or chaff blown by the wind?
2. What relationships in your life are trustworthy?