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Are You Sure You Have the Right Number?

For Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Too often, we look at the work of revolution as someone else's job. Our lives are far too busy to do the real work of change. But God calls each of us to be part of this new world. Really? How can we be sure God didn't get the wrong number? Maybe Cowboy Carter can help us see the good news!

The Beacon Bit

Before you join a Beacon this Sunday, take a few minutes to watch this short teaching. It’ll shape our conversation, and we need your perspective!

This Beacon Bit engages Isaiah 6:1-8. Click here to read it before you watch.

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The Prep Questions

Journal, meditate or discuss these questions before you come on Sunday!

1. What needs for change have you found your attention drawn to over the last month?

2. What are the biggest barriers you face to real change?